Mike: Living a Full and Healthy Life in Recovery

“One of the best things about being at Milestone Manor is that I have self-esteem again. I believe in myself.”

Mike’s story is one that is familiar to those who have struggled with both mental health and substance abuse issues. Except this is a story about success: Mike completed his program at Milestone Manor, a Community Residence at RISE Housing and Support Services, and is enjoying a new life.

While having experienced periods of stability and sobriety in the past, Mike experienced periods of excessive drug use, the pains of being taken advantage of by others, and troubles with the law. All which caused him to find himself in dangerous situations, homeless, and alienated from his family. Mike recalls, “my bad choices caused me much suffering and eventually ending up in jail. At times, I was in so much pain, I was suicidal.”

“I have the strength to care for myself and I have the confidence to ask for help if I need it.”

Mike knew that he needed to change his life and because he knew about Milestone Manor, when he was released from the rehab, he asked for a referral to go there. Mike says, “the programming and staff at Milestone Manor helped me turn my life around.” Not only did Mike regain mental stability and his sobriety while at Milestone Manor, but the staff assisted him with practical matters including applying for Social Security Disability Insurance, clearing up his credit history, and getting his driver’s license reinstated. Mike shares, “One of the best things about being at Milestone Manor is that I have self-esteem again. I feel motivated, I believe in myself, and one of the most important things I learned is that I have the strength to care for myself and I have the confidence to ask for help if I need it.”

“I’ve earned my daughter’s trust. Spending time with my granddaughter brings me great joy.”

He shared that remaining engaged in treatment and maintaining both his mental health stability and his sobriety has rebuilt trust with his family. He says, “I am very grateful for my stability and sobriety because now my daughter trusts me to babysit my granddaughter. She was born earlier this summer and spending time with her brings me great joy.” This is especially important to him during this festive time a year as spending time with family is very important to him during the holiday season.

Mike, while considering getting his own apartment, decided to accept the offer his parents made to him to rent their basement apartment. He says, “I am grateful for their trust and for this opportunity, especially after being alienated from them for so long. I enjoy helping with chores and repairs around their house and helping them out with their property.”

 “I like attending PROS because it is very helpful to attend groups about maintaining my mental health.”

To help him maintain his mental stability and sobriety, Mike continues to attend self-help recovery meetings, socializing with sober friends, and attending groups at the Personalized Recovery Oriented Services (PROS) program in Schenectady. He explains, “I like attending PROS because it is very helpful to attend groups about maintaining my mental health.” Mike shares that he would eventually like to get a part time job but for the time being, he feels it is important to help out his parents and continues to work on rebuilding his relationship with them.

RISE Housing and Support Services, and especially the staff at Milestone Manor, are proud to be a part of Mike’s story. We wish him the best and continued success in his recovery.