Kindness is Good for Your Mental Health

Kindness is choosing to do something that helps others, motivated by genuine warm feelings.

Kindness, or doing good, often means putting other people’s needs before our own. Several studies have shown that showing kindness to others can benefit our own mental health and wellbeing.

In fact, the research has shown that kindness and mental health are deeply connected. Acts of kindness can reduce stress, alleviate depression, as well as improve mood, self-esteem, and happiness.

Kindness also means treating yourself with compassion and care. Several other studies have shown that kindness to yourself also benefits our well-being. Being kind to yourself – and to others – can heighten feelings of self-worth, increase emotional well-being, and lead to greater life satisfaction. Acts of kindness can boost feelings of confidence, happiness, and optimism.

Kindness has the potential to make the world a happier place. Acts of kindness can really make a difference, especially for people who are vulnerable or struggling.

Being kind to others often creates, and strengthens relationships. It develops community and deepens solidarity – all of which alleviate the loneliness and isolation that can lead to despair.

Moreover, the more you do for others, the likelier others are to assist in your time of need. With this in mind, try being kind, both to yourself and towards others, and see if it makes a difference to how you feel.

Here are some ways to be kind to others

  • Say please and especially thank you.
  • Smile and wish a passer-by good morning or afternoon – from a socially acceptable distance.
  • Pick up some litter lying around in the street or sidewalk.
  • Find out if an elderly neighbor needs any help, such as yard work or shopping.
  • Volunteer – get involved with a cause that is close to your heart – in your community, school, or church.
  • Say hi to coworkers and ask how they are doing, especially ones you might not normally talk to.
  • Call a friend who you haven’t spoken to for a while.
  • Tell your family and friends how much you love and appreciate them.
  • Write something nice or encouraging on a social media post you appreciate.
  • Leave a kind note for someone either in person or virtually on their social media page.

Here are some ways to be kind to yourself

  • Prioritize some “me” time, so you can relax and reflect on how you’re feeling and how your day or week has been so far.
  • Take care of yourself by reading a book to exercise your mind or going to the gym to exercise your body.
  • Forgive yourself or someone else who may have hurt you or whom you may have had a falling-out with.
  • Do something you enjoy, like listening to a favorite song or dancing in your kitchen.
  • Treat yourself to something small, such as buying or planting some flowers.
  • Learn a new skill that you’ve always wanted to do.
  • Spend some time in nature – its good for your mental health!